How to enhance your living space by Custom Rug Sizes: Carpets and Rugs are modern-day accessories. They embellish the house with a style and personality of their own. A consumer is presented with a diverse amount of designs to select from, each one showing a different personality and style.
While the weaving type, design, and color are surely important, one cannot neglect the vitality of choosing the custom rug sizes. A rug size helps establish the size of the room, and if used appropriately, can make the room look gigantic or minuscule, depending on the client’s requirements. Thus, one should be aware of certain tips while ordering a custom rug sizes.
Measure the room
The priority must be tabulating the dimensions of the empty room. You can tape the size of the rug as a mock placement and establish the effect that the custom sized rug will have on the room. You should also make sure that the rug is proportional to the orientation of the room.
Once the masking tape has recreated the proportion of the room, you can arrange the furniture. This will give you an effective notion of alterations to be done with the custom rug sizes.

The Large Rug Conundrum
While Taking custom rug sizes into Account, Smaller rug pieces work as a complement to the room. They demand attention and therefore act as standalone pieces. A larger rug, however, unifies the furniture, the wallpaper, the furnishings, and the room. Therefore not just ornamenting it but also fulfilling a larger purpose. It is always the best strategy to have an extra few inches, preferably 2”, added to any custom rug sizes, especially if to be used with a dining table.
Standard Custom Rug Sizes
Rugs may come in a variety of shapes and sizes, though the most commonly used are rectangular-shaped rugs. One can alternatively find circular, hexagonal, and custom rug sizes and shapes. Usually, the rugs are divided into three categories: large, medium, and small. Each of these rugs can be used in different settings. These categories are based on the length of the carpet, whereas the breadth could be alternating.
Large-Sized Rugs
Large rugs are anywhere between 8 feet or above. Standard rug sizes which are available in these categories include 8’ X 10’ and 9’ X 12’. These rugs are associated with the bedroom, dining room, and living room. A furniture table can be circular as well. In such cases, a round rug size guide is used where the size is determined based on the radius of the rug. Standard rug sizes include 8’, 9’, and 10’. Since the large rug can almost entirely cover your floors, a gap of at least 18 – 20 inches must be provided between the boundaries of the walls and the rug.

The major purpose of a custom rug size is to mimic the shape of the establishment. It covers the whole room and unites all the furniture pieces sitting atop. In a living room, they cover the couch and the center table. When in a bedroom, they can merge the nightstands, the bedroom bench, and the bed, irrespective of the size. If set under a dining table, an extra rug length of 2 inches should be kept so that all the chairs are over the rug.
Sometimes, the construction of a master bedroom or a living room is made to accommodate more space where standard rug sizes might prove futile. Therefore, the rug required ought to be humungous. Though it is hard to find a standard rug size above 10 inches, certain manufacturers even make up to a 20-inch custom rug size. Thus, you need to find out a manufacturer who can customize such a rug or has one in their inventory.

Medium Sized Area Rugs
Medium size area rugs consist of sizes between 5- 7 feet. The standard rug sizes mostly available are 5’ X 8’, 6’ X 9’, and 7’ X 7’, among others. They are best used in living rooms, bedrooms, and open-spaced balconies.
Where the large rugs tend to swallow up the furniture, the medium rugs allow for them to separate themselves from the rugs and hold themselves on their own. In a bedroom, they can be put under the bed or kept right at the foot. In a living room, they can be put under the front legs of the furniture, while it is pushed up against the wall. Depending upon the customer’s requirement, they can also be transformed to create a unique custom rug sizes.
Small-Sized Area Rugs
Small size rugs are 4 feet or under. Runner rugs also come within these categories. The standard rug size of these can range from 4’ X 11’, 2’ X 4’, and more. These can be used in almost all rooms of your house.
Their major purpose is to accentuate your living spaces. These days, layering is slowly garnering popularity. A smaller custom rug size on a carpet is similar to a wall hanging. These can also be placed under a coffee table to accentuate the piece, though it might make the room appear smaller. Therefore, when using a small custom rug size, caution must be put on the utilization of the remaining space to make the room look larger and open. A runner rug can be employed in the hallway leading up to various rooms. A small PET custom rug size can be used in a bathroom and a kitchen right under the sink.
These custom rug sizes are the most desired, solely due to their ability to stand out. Intricate patterns and designs can be imbibed within these to act as decorative pieces rather than serve any functional purposes.

Choosing the Best Rug Size or Customizing it
Once the structural properties of the room and the furniture have been estimated, the next step is to shop for a rug. Generally, manufacturers would have rugs for all your needs and you can easily select from an assortment of patterns, styles, and of course standard rug sizes. Due to their excursions within different occupational domains, they have curated a large inventory of rugs and carpets in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Looking for Solution
Since customizing a rug relies heavily on production and attention to customer specificities, a manufacturer should be selected carefully. Thankfully, MAT The Basics has the right equipment and personnel to deal with these issues. MAT has been operating for several decades now and has many satisfied clients across the globe.
Customization Services within all domains under stringent quality checks ensure that the rugs manufactured are of the best quality, durable, and precisely to the client’s requirements. All shapes and custom size rugs can be easily created with them and can be purchased at a wholesale rate as well. MAT The Basics best-selling custom rug sizes collection involves rugs of sizes from 1’ X 1’ to 20’X 18’ (and can be customized up to 70 feet on the large side), and even round rug sizes of 6’, 8’, and more This not only adds to your credibility and accountability but also your brand loyalty. They are amongst the only few in the industry who employ skilled artisans to preserve the craft of hand-woven rugs and carpets, which serve you an exquisite rug piece of a suitable size.
However, at times, the desired size is unavailable. In such situations, you must be ready to customize the standard custom rug sizes. All you need to do is fuel in with the requirements. You need to provide details regarding the material, design, and weave. Additionally, you should contribute with the details on the size and the shape that you require based on the measurements and the rug size guide.